Chuluun Qerel

Hunter of the Steppe

FFXIV Roleplayer Profile

Physical Description

Gazing at this lithe figure of a Steppe dwelling Xaela, what will one find upon a little investiagation?


After taking a look at their form, the next step is to observe the quirks they carry. How does this one act?

Relationships and Bonds

Learning all that one could from looking at just the Xaela, what else could one discern from what they wear, and who's around them?

OOC Information

Assuming you read through everything else, you've seen essentially all I'll share from the getgo! So here's some OOC info for ya.

Physical Description

Chuluun's looks may deceive some into thinking otherwise, but he is a man. Incredibly short compared to the typical male Au Ra. He wears his navy blue hair in a shoulder-length cut, which appears to be kempt to some degree. He has a fairly smooth complexion, slick scales; nicely rounded out with shining violet eyes with light blue limbal rings. He's built well compared to his kin, and strewn about his body are a few scars fitting of a Xaela. He is often donning a hat of some sort and generally loose, and occasionally feminine clothing. When geared for a hunt or combat, he is often wearing a loose yet firmly made tunic, reinforced by pelts and bone. Whatever he's armed with depends on what he's setting out to accomplish.


Upon first meeting and speaking with him, a few key things would be able to be learned. He carries himself in an energetic manner, greeting most conversations and situations with a smile, smirk, or grin. He's also fairly respectful of others and learned for someone who has spent a bulk of their life in the Steppe and is eager to learn more. However, he is still Xaela. When met with kinsmen and women, he'll be a bit more likely to bash heads, depending on which tribes they are a part of. Chaghan's are obviously going to get him riled up, however, a couple of other tribes will influence the way he'll act with the person he's speaking with. As well, he's not a big fan of being on the butt end of teasing or anything that would demean him and will be eager to prove otherwise, either by word or by combat.

Relationships and Bonds

Relationship Status:
Would refer to the Qerel tribe as family, however is separated from the tribe.
Outside of what he was taught while in his tribe, he has begun training at the newly formed Blue Mage guild under the tutelage of Martyn. He is considered a prodigy.
Freelancer, often employed as a hunter (both game and bounty), pitfighter, and mercenary.

OOC Information

A mature player with years worth of roleplaying experience.
Walkups and tells are always welcomed.
IC =/= OOC
Send me a tell if you think I missed any of your emotes.
I occasionally enjoy hugging tall ladies
Thank you for reading through my Carrd! :3


General ERP Notice:
I will not jump into any ERP fresh off the bat. If your intent is of that nature, you're going to have to spend at least a day or two chatting with Chu first before I'm willing to do so.
Lewd Info:
Chu is a bisexual (Feminine preference) top, and dom. That, while not set in complete stone, is not likely to change. He is into bondage. He likes being teased a little bit in bed and responds in kind, verbally or physically. He is mostly vanilla past that. His member is around 9 inches.
Keep on the down-low in-game please and thank you: